
Somali pirate waters
Somali pirate waters

In Somalia, they have the freest liberated open market economy in the world, with no central bank to control money supply, set interest rates or control inflation. The income gap between the minority elite and the poor have widened tremendously. A tiny percentage of the population who are farmers had to witness the decrease of their yield of crops due to soil erosion, lack of fertilizers and instability. Many Somalis are nomads who eek out their meager livelihood from their flocks, but natural disasters have wiped out humongous portions of their livestock, leaving them stranded with no alternative income to support their families. Those who did not defect to other lands had to endure destitution, prolonged drought, and desertification and soil erosion.

somali pirate waters

The inhabitants of Somalia are mostly Sunni Muslims. Hence, what exactly is the root cause of radicalism in Somalia? There has always been a correlation between poverty, the vicious cycle of violence and anarchy, and the same reasons make Somalia water as one of the most badly affected maritime piracy areas.

somali pirate waters

However, so far, no one has paid any heed or notice to what has transpired over the years at Somalia except for a few journalists and international aid workers. Of course, there have been a lucky few who had defected from their homeland and escaped the rigors of the civil war. Somalis over the years have lived under the most trying circumstances imaginable, facing acute poverty, lawlessness and anarchy.

Somali pirate waters